Are you looking for transport & cargo insurance in France?  Do you need international transport insurance?  Concerned about insuring your goods and cargo?  ASTTRAL’s expertise is founded by its name which is ‘Insurance Domestic & International Transport Insurance’ (Assurance Terrestre et Transport International) . ASTTRAL is a specialist in insuring goods and cargo carried by all forms of transport worldwide, whether it be by air, sea or land.


In addition, a panel liability can be added to cover freight forwarders in France and their fleet of vehicles. Solutions and covers are offered in France and internationally, with the capacity to write on behalf of first-class underwriters, enabling the team at ASTTRAL to promptly respond to any enquiries or requests. 


Le cabinet d’assurance Assurances Terrestre & Transport International; ASTTRAL, fondé à Marseille en 1997, se démarque par son expertise en assurances des professionnels du transport multimodal. Depuis 20 ans, les compagnies d’assurances de renom délèguent à ASTTRAL la souscription des risques professionnels des entreprises de transport public de marchandises.

Alliant compétence et réactivité, ASTTRAL assure à ses clients chaque année  les meilleurs taux et conditions du marché. ASTTRAL conseille lors de la souscription et lors de la survenance du sinistre.

Please contact us to request a quote using the form below or from the CONTACT US page.


